First Night: Ashem Vohu

12.10.18 White Resonant Worldbridger "ASHEM VOHU, VAHISHTEM ASTI USHTA ASTI, USTA AHMAI HYAT ASAI VAHISHTAY ASHEM On waking up in the morning. When lighting a Divo. Before meals, interview* or exam*. Anytime you start something or come across a hurdle or danger. The next time you see an ambulance or Fire Engine with sirens blaring... Continue Reading →

Wind Dancing

Strained reishi tincture and separated the mushrooms from alcohol. Now it’s bubbling in a pot of water, simmering down to add back to the tincture. Next door to it is usnea, gathered off blown down branches, the strewn strands are stewing in water for bottling with alcohol. These two plants. These two allies. These two... Continue Reading →

Sticks and Stones

Magnetic Blue Monkey Core Day 10.1.17 Azizeh looks at Bibi, her dark brown curls bouncing, cheeks flushed, eyes flashing while from her ruby lips words bubble out in a hot torrent. “Bibi she makes me feel suffocated! When I was a little girl I had no choice but to live with her. All I’d hear... Continue Reading →


Yellow Crystal Warrior 9.16.17 My camel has golden hairs, tawny creams, tan sandy colors that glow red in sunlight. She’s a long way from the desert. Here in these lush green mountains, carpeted by emerald grass braided with white blossoms and purple petals, hedgerows of thorny thickets jeweled brightly in red berries dangling amidst yellowing... Continue Reading →

Fire. Earth. Water. Air.

7.2.17 Yellow Magnetic Sun But now another view on the elements and their directions and relationships coming through dream imagery:: imagine there is nothing except a circle. Deep inside at its core it is molten, fiery, hot. The crust that holds all that flame is Earth. The entire surface however is covered with Water. The... Continue Reading →

Fire. Earth. Air. Water.

White Crystal Mirror 6.30.17 From the dreamscape. Fire. Earth. Air. Water. Each is crucial. Each plays a part. All together. One for all. Fire is inside embodiments that are earthly::wood being the most common example. Wood is born of Earth, rising from seed in Earth, growing from Earth, rooted in Earth, it is Earthy and... Continue Reading →


5.12.17 Yellow Inspired Star Wavespell White Electric Dog Three women work side by side The first, dimpled cheeks dusted with freckles Red hair streaked with gray, pours liquid From one brown bottle to another while the second Moves from behind mountains Of paper tearing scraps with stubby fingers, Sticks them onto shining curves then, Wielding... Continue Reading →

Salaamatee is for Sharing

Wavespell Red Nurturing Moon Blue Resonant Eagle 4.8.17 “Badshaah Salaamat sighed. He had exhausted the delights his grounds had to offer him ever since his health had been restored. Completely rejuvenated, he had walked the gardens and smelled every flower that grew on shrub, tree, vine, why he had got down on his knees to... Continue Reading →

Bread and Butter

White Spectral Worldbridger 3.30.17 The car is decidedly not mine despite having been left here for me with keys in the ignition that work. It’s navy blue, a station wagon like mine, but it has rails on the roof and it’s clean, shiny. The windows, including the windshield and rear window, all have levers to... Continue Reading →

Baadshah Salaamat

Lucky White Dog Wavespell  Yellow Spectral Sun 3.4.17 “Sultan Badshaah Salaamat has built his palace on a sandy hillock overlooking the sea. It’s peachy domed roof rises up like a breast complete with pointed nipple, saluting the sky above it. The palace has curvaceous windows cut out of its walls, where Sultan Badshaah Salaamat likes... Continue Reading →

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