Newly Neptune

11.24.17 Red Electric Serpent Started on Neptune 18 degrees Jyestha (Antares) 1st Pada, 10th House Scorpio with Venus 7 degrees Anuradha 2nd pada. . . dawdling with watercolor paints, moving the colors around on paper. Feeling kind of lost and lackluster, here but not here, seen unseen, observant participant, what’s the experience? Unsettled wonky flow... Continue Reading →

Unconventionally Uranus

10.25.17 Started the road during the Seer’s White Mirror Wavespell:: some acrylic paint then went over it with watercolor pastels later. Uranus feels vast spacious glowy flowy kind of empty and endless, going ahead into unknown territory, exploring. Sun and Uranus in Libra, symmetry and balance with the road going through sunny fields of dreams... Continue Reading →

Bones, Lines, Beauty

8.27.17 Yellow Overtone Warrior GAP Did the drawing for this spread yesterday. Went through the printouts of elder women and bones, skeletons, and digging around into Saturn themes: ginko, horsetail, passionflower, lady’ slipper, ants and raindrops, deer skulls and snake skeletons, portals in stone, great walls and spiral staircases, spiderwebs, labyrinths, and leaves . .... Continue Reading →

Simply Saturn

8.15.17 Yellow Rythmic Seed Simply Saturn, so straightforward really, shoots directly from the hip:: I’m here, says Saturn, to guide you step by step in a method, a process, an orderly fashion through whatever area, wherever you need structure and support. That is all. Saturn says this with confidence, authority, to the point, pretty plain... Continue Reading →

Whirling Wheel

Whirling White Worldbridger Wavespell Blue Planetary Eagle 8.6.17 She traded her navy blue Dr. Scholl’s slippers, their silver buckles shining, for a burlap bag of bananas. She traded them with a girl in golden high heels, the wrong kind of shoes to go through the gate, to the other side of the wasteland they stood... Continue Reading →

Choose It or Lose It

7.8.17 Full Moon in the Archer, White Resonant Worldbridger What are you hungry for? What are you not getting in life? What are you afraid of losing? How’s Mars being given work to do that’s enjoyable and fills the hunger . . . or is Mars just losing all that energy, kaboom, explosive reactions to... Continue Reading →

Maurice makes Marks

7.7.17 Red Rythmic Serpent Mars is simple, spontaneous, lively, dives in and moves, Mars is the’ Is’ is what the meaning and where the meaning of everything lives:: in the Is, Mars is the vital force and instinct::lively up yourself with Mars . . . mine is in Libra 9th House, opposite Chiron in Aries,... Continue Reading →

Venusian Air

7.1.17 Blue Cosmic Storm Communicating Airwaves:: worked this like lightning . . . . chalk pastel underlayer crudely thought, no brought, through, in black and white, but since life ain’t black and white and grey, the primaries:blue, red, yellow, from which all other colors come-bine, entered the frame where zig zags electrify and birds sit... Continue Reading →

Dancing with Mercury

5.3.17 Gather up art supplies,go with what that piques curiousity, while trusting the curiousity. Listening to Mercury is what’s being explored visually, how we listen . . .to the materials and ideas as the way we’re conveying and expressing. Collage fodder, paint, pastels, pencils, go through and pick it all, prepare before getting groovy together... Continue Reading →

Moon Love and Trust

3.27.17 Blue Galactic Night G.A.P Second Creative Practice with Moon:: Love and Trust in the Process . . . Laying in a base ground upon which to shine, moving flicking twirling wrists and shoulders into paint. 3.28.17 Yellow Solar Seed Then creating an atmosphere to seed love . . . . Collage elements selected, images... Continue Reading →

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